My role was originally one of five concept artists who would develop the key art and designs for the project. Later in the project this then evolved into a more character development role for myself. Then towards the end I was in charge of concept art and working with Jacques Tredoux on the script and developing the storyboard.
Early in the project I was asked to sketch up some of the ideas put forward by the group for both character development and tee shirt designs. So the technical aspect of this process was mostly trying to get into the individuals head who put forth ideas and trying to translate them to the best of my ability.
For character designs I opted for the basics pencil and pen and sketching as they described, explained and gave me examples of there ideas. I did how ever want to develop 3d characters using Z Brush but found the constraints of time for myself and within the team tough to accomplish this goal.
For tee shirt designs I got advice from Thorsten Ziller for creating a design for a single colored screen print as he has a lot of experience in this area. By keeping the design simple and vectored allowed for a easier and cost efficient print. The other consideration here was to make the design within the specs given by the printing company.
As for the 3d environments I developed my renders using the program Vue to create full interactive landscapes. In conjunction with the Adobe Suite and After Effects I achieved my goals for image renders.
Jacques and myself then worked together on the script, he handled most of the ideas while I pitched in here and there. I was mostly there to make sure that his ideas made visual sense and later on develop the script into a story board which I could not have done without him as well. I believe this was a successful pairing and helped push the project as whole forward.
The research for the project was predominately set out for the whole group, I feel that this would have achieved its expected goal if the whole group did do research but only a few individuals did the job. I feel that this was the let down throughout the project and detrimental to the moral within the group.
My personal research into the final characters mostly consisted of studies into there movements, anatomy and looks. While environments were inspired from the existing landscapes from the Bermuda Triangle in which the story was to be held such as Puerto Rico.
In reflection I felt that the project was a success in terms of the idea of the project. I feel that a smaller group of dedicated individuals could have easily achieved more than the large group of people we were blessed with this semester. Also if this particular project was to continue into next year I would definitely step up into more of a leadership role.
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